November 2012
Hello again faithful subscribers and readers!
I have come to you today to inform you that we are currently fully independent! It is unfortunate that the powers at be are too large and sparse to understand the benefit of a locally developed and maintained newsletter.
A few days after our inception date it was brought to the attention of our editing staff that the name of our quaint organization may have to change. With the Gazette being merely experimental, this was not a surprise. There was no permission gathered in the creation of this page (Or news letter, or organization.) It was created by an employee of a Parts retailer in Atlantic Canada. The name of the corporation that owned this retailer, in the original post similar to this, has been omitted from our site due to legality issues.
Luckily, corporate ideals have interfered with the intended plans of this experiment, we have changed our name and re-worked our mission statement to add a little tongue and cheek. The need to apply administration to an independent organization that simply wants to put a name on something is, well a little ridiculous. (Did you know they were conversing about this topic on company time? A few members of our staff have to sell herbs and spices in their spare time to put food on the table and we manage to have time to do this. Can you imagine what degrading things Corporate Management has to do to make ends meet? We really do feel sorry for executives sometimes.)
We will be expanding to one copy a week as of December- after all we should start this thing at the end of the world right? We will of course still be looking for volunteer editors and collaborators, this is after all a non-profit organization (that's right none of the PS staff are being paid for this!)
I would now like to delve a little deeper into what it is we wish to accomplish. We sit here through sheer enjoyment of wanting to create something beneficial, and not merely another place for an ad to appear. So we've decided to sell our community's brand instead! (*note the editors of this organization do not endorse brands- in the long run, they just tend to be more expensive)
Originally, we had meant to hold a temporary, and constantly changing, editing team. The intention of this page was simply to offer CORPORATE NAME OMITTED a format or platform for employees to communicate on and after five months total control would be handed over. It was created by employees and was meant to offer a better look into their regional work environment.
As an added bonus, through Facebook, our editors had hoped to provide transparency to the public on the life and times of a major local employer- Okay, CORPORATE NAME OMITTED isn't technically a 'major' employer for the area, but the UMBRELLA CORPORATION is, however they're also not very local...Okay wait.. the workers are local, there! At least something originated here...We are still able to offer this transparency and now with more freedom. Keep in mind the original intent of this platform was within a business was to help connect and create a communal conversation amongst employees and customers. Now we will do it without a big name to wave around. (Banners can be made if a fan of the PS Buzz wins speaks forward, but you'd have to read pretty deep!)
In their always soaring ambition, it seems CORPORATE NAME OMITTED wish to create their own page (admin located west of Quebec) within the next couple of weeks. As a duty to our readership, we must keep updating and promoting our own 'buzz'. The intention is to keep rolling forward, this is after all a minor bump in the road.
"I personally want to wish CORPORATE NAME OMITTED the best in their endeavors for creating awareness online. It's really cutting edge stuff. Some of the higher ups mentioned a telegraph line they've been developing to finally connect us sea to sea. It's a shame we couldn't work with them but our team knows when we must appease the masses. Sometimes shit happens right?"
Kawlin Rolfe Chief editor
Above is a quote from our chief editor Kawlin Rolfe speaking in regards to CORPORATE NAME OMITTED handling on the organization.
(Note, we were able to put in 'shit' but not CORPORATE NAME OMITTED.)
We will of course be posting online and treating Facebook as our temporary blog space. There are a few paths our team is considering on where to take our local conversation. A website is possible however for the time being, Facebook will suffice.
At the moment we address only a few people, and with hope, people will eventually find our place on the internet. We hope you await the next issue of the news letter with much anticipation!
The PS Buzz team.
Hello again faithful subscribers and readers!
I have come to you today to inform you that we are currently fully independent! It is unfortunate that the powers at be are too large and sparse to understand the benefit of a locally developed and maintained newsletter.
A few days after our inception date it was brought to the attention of our editing staff that the name of our quaint organization may have to change. With the Gazette being merely experimental, this was not a surprise. There was no permission gathered in the creation of this page (Or news letter, or organization.) It was created by an employee of a Parts retailer in Atlantic Canada. The name of the corporation that owned this retailer, in the original post similar to this, has been omitted from our site due to legality issues.
Luckily, corporate ideals have interfered with the intended plans of this experiment, we have changed our name and re-worked our mission statement to add a little tongue and cheek. The need to apply administration to an independent organization that simply wants to put a name on something is, well a little ridiculous. (Did you know they were conversing about this topic on company time? A few members of our staff have to sell herbs and spices in their spare time to put food on the table and we manage to have time to do this. Can you imagine what degrading things Corporate Management has to do to make ends meet? We really do feel sorry for executives sometimes.)
We will be expanding to one copy a week as of December- after all we should start this thing at the end of the world right? We will of course still be looking for volunteer editors and collaborators, this is after all a non-profit organization (that's right none of the PS staff are being paid for this!)
I would now like to delve a little deeper into what it is we wish to accomplish. We sit here through sheer enjoyment of wanting to create something beneficial, and not merely another place for an ad to appear. So we've decided to sell our community's brand instead! (*note the editors of this organization do not endorse brands- in the long run, they just tend to be more expensive)
Originally, we had meant to hold a temporary, and constantly changing, editing team. The intention of this page was simply to offer CORPORATE NAME OMITTED a format or platform for employees to communicate on and after five months total control would be handed over. It was created by employees and was meant to offer a better look into their regional work environment.
As an added bonus, through Facebook, our editors had hoped to provide transparency to the public on the life and times of a major local employer- Okay, CORPORATE NAME OMITTED isn't technically a 'major' employer for the area, but the UMBRELLA CORPORATION is, however they're also not very local...Okay wait.. the workers are local, there! At least something originated here...We are still able to offer this transparency and now with more freedom. Keep in mind the original intent of this platform was within a business was to help connect and create a communal conversation amongst employees and customers. Now we will do it without a big name to wave around. (Banners can be made if a fan of the PS Buzz wins speaks forward, but you'd have to read pretty deep!)
In their always soaring ambition, it seems CORPORATE NAME OMITTED wish to create their own page (admin located west of Quebec) within the next couple of weeks. As a duty to our readership, we must keep updating and promoting our own 'buzz'. The intention is to keep rolling forward, this is after all a minor bump in the road.
"I personally want to wish CORPORATE NAME OMITTED the best in their endeavors for creating awareness online. It's really cutting edge stuff. Some of the higher ups mentioned a telegraph line they've been developing to finally connect us sea to sea. It's a shame we couldn't work with them but our team knows when we must appease the masses. Sometimes shit happens right?"
Kawlin Rolfe Chief editor
Above is a quote from our chief editor Kawlin Rolfe speaking in regards to CORPORATE NAME OMITTED handling on the organization.
(Note, we were able to put in 'shit' but not CORPORATE NAME OMITTED.)
We will of course be posting online and treating Facebook as our temporary blog space. There are a few paths our team is considering on where to take our local conversation. A website is possible however for the time being, Facebook will suffice.
At the moment we address only a few people, and with hope, people will eventually find our place on the internet. We hope you await the next issue of the news letter with much anticipation!
The PS Buzz team.
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